Technological study of wood from Coffea arabica L. aiming for its complete combustion and pyrolysis
Bioenergy, firewood, coffee wood, coffee planting residuesAbstract
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of the wood from Coffea arabica L. in different cultivars and cultivation systems, aiming for the production of charcoal and its complete combustion. Wood from three cultivation systems (natural, conventional and organic) and two cultivars (Mundo Novo and Catuaí) was used, totaling six treatments. Chemical compositions (molecular and immediate), basic density, carbon stock, heating values (higher and lower) and energy densities of the woods analyzed were evaluated. Furthermore, an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was performed, as well as the thermogravimetric analysis of the wood. Wood residues from the species Coffea arabica L. presented technological properties that demonstrate its viability as an energy source, especially for cultivar Catuaí, which showed higher basic density, carbon stock and energy densities. The woods from the conventional system (cultivars Mundo Novo and Catuaí) are more suitable for complete combustion in boilers or furnaces, due to the K2O/CaO ratio. By thermogravimetric analysis, it can be stated that woods from the organic system (cultivars Mundo Novo and Catuaí) and the natural system (cultivar Mundo Novo) tend to present a higher yield in charcoal, if carbonized at low temperatures.
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