
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The contribution must be original, unpublished and currently not under evaluation by another journal.
  • 2. Manuscripts and all complementary documents must be written in English.
  • 3. Cover letter must include a brief description of the manuscript and the consent of all co-authors to its submission
  • 4. A statement that there is no conflict of interest must be attached, as well as the ethics committee approval for research results involving humans and/or animals.
  • 5. Authors must indicate five names of reviewers, with at least two reviewers from countries other than the country of the corresponding author.
  • 6. The manuscript must have a maximum of 3 (three) authors with the same affiliation.
  • 7. All authors must enable ORCID before sending the manuscript.
  • 8. The manuscript must be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows, A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, double space, size 12, with 2.5 cm margins to the left and right, to the top and bottom and also to the header and footer.
  • 9. The manuscript must contain the following topics: Title; Full name of the author (s); Abstract; Key words; Introduction; Material and methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgment (s) (optional) and References.
  • 10. The scientific nomenclature must comply with the criteria specified in the international codes for each area. Weight and measurement units must follow the International System of Units (IS).
  • 11. All references must be in accordance with the CS's standards and, preferably, including only journals with IF.
  • 12. At least 40% of bibliographic references must be from the last 10 years.

Author Guidelines

Focus and Scope

Coffee Science is an open access journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all scientific areas of coffee. Papers published by the journal represent important contributions to the development of coffee science in the fields of agricultural, biological, food science, waste management, health and social sciences.

Information about the common editorial policies of Coffee Science is available at

Author responsibilities

Authors should follow the guidelines outlined below for first submissions (i.e. not revised manuscripts). The contribution must be original, unpublished and not being evaluated in another journal.

The concepts and conclusions included in papers are of the entire responsibility of the authors. Upon acceptance for publication, authors assign to the journal full copyright of the manuscript in all languages and countries.

Conflict of interest statement and ethics committee approval

It is required an authors' statement that there is no conflict of interest as well as the ethics committee approval for research results involving humans and/or animals.

Editors and contact information

For general editorial enquiries, including manuscript submission queries, please contact

Manuscript submissions

Manuscript submissions need to be via our online submission system. Therefore, the user must access the page and register as the author of the submission.

Only the login of the submission author gives access to the evaluation process. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. In addition, reviewers can access the manuscript online, which speeds up the review process. 


Coffee Science does not charge submission fees or page charges. 

General information for preparing manuscripts   

Manuscripts should be prepared for online submission. Online submissions include a cover letter, a manuscript text file, written in English, and individual figure files.

Language editing 

Coffee Science is edited and read by many non-native English speakers. Authors should therefore provide carefully edited manuscripts that are able to communicate their findings clearly. Coffee is a wide scientific area with worldwide coverage in both producing and consuming countries. Remember that the language and standard in one subfield may not be familiar to non-specialists. Thus, local jargon or a specific technical term should be avoided as far as possible and clearly explained where its use is unavoidable. Abbreviations, particularly non-standard ones, should also be kept to a minimum. Titles and abstracts in particular should be written in language that is readily intelligible to any scientist.

Coffee Science will not reject any manuscript for poor language. Occasionally, authors may receive feedback from editors and reviewers regarding the use of languages and grammar in their manuscripts. In this case, Coffee Science suggests that authors request services from a professional or company with experience in editing scientific texts. When requested, authors should contact the chosen company directly, to deal with all matters regarding the review and editing. In this case, authors must send the certificate issued by the company together with the revised manuscript.

Cover letter 

Authors should provide a cover letter that includes a brief presentation of the manuscript and explain why the work is considered appropriate for the diverse readership of Coffee Science. Authors are invited to provide the names and contact information for qualified scientific reviewers and may request the exclusion of certain referees. In addition, the cover letter should include the affiliation and contact information of the corresponding author and the agreement of the co-authors according to the following:

I (name of co-author) agree with the submission of the manuscript entitled " ..............." and its content for publication in the Coffee Science Journal.

Indication of reviewers: List up to 5 names, preferably with Doctoral degree, for your study. At least two names must be from countries other than the correspondence author's affiliation. Please, send the following data:

  1. Full name:
  2. Email:
  3. Academic background/degree:
  4. Institution/affiliation:
  5. Areas of interest for evaluation according to the following areas: Biotechnology, Computing and Informatics, Entomology, Statistics, Physiology, Phytopathology, Genetics and Breeding, Geotechnology and Environment, Industrialization, Irrigation, Crop Management, Mechanization and Precision agriculture, Post-Harvest and Quality, Chemistry, Seeds, Socio-Economics, Soils, Nutrition, Health Sciences, Economic Sciences, Waste Management and Animal Sciences.

Peer Review Process

Coffee Science has the collaboration of a group of specialists for the evaluation of the manuscripts/studies received in thematic areas of the whole coffee chain. If the submitted manuscripts are in accordance to the Authors Guidelines, they are registered and forwarded to the Editorial Board / Associated Editors, which will indicate two reviewers with expert knowledge in the area of the manuscript. The reviewed manuscripts are sent to the corresponding author for corrections, explanations, and / or a new version that will be compared to the original version of the manuscript by the Editorial Board / Associated Editors. After editing, final corrections of the text are verified by the authors in the PDF file and by the Editorial Board.

Manuscript text

The manuscript must be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows, A4 (21cm x 29.7cm), double line spacing, font Times New Roman, size 12, with a margin of 2.5 cm to the left and 2.5 cm to the right, 2.5 cm to the top and 2.5 cm to the bottom, 2.5 cm to the header and 2.5 cm to the footer. Tables and figures must be inserted immediately after citation in the text.

 Authors: There is no limit to the number of authors. However, the manuscript must have a maximum of 3 (three) authors with the same affiliation. The manuscript must contain the full name of all authors and the order of the authors entered into the system must be the same as the title page file.

Original document: manuscript must be submitted in English.

The manuscript must contain the following topics: a) TITLE in capital letters sufficiently clear, conspicuous and complete, without abbreviations and superfluous words; b) FULL NAME OF THE AUTHOR(S) on the right side with one name beneath the former; c) ABSTRACT must be written continuously in one paragraph and must not exceed 300 words. At least, the abstract must contain a brief introduction, objective(s) and main results, d) KEY WORDS are arranged alphabetically with 3 to 5 keywords that express the content of the paper and different from those used in the title and separated by commas; e) INTRODUCTION including literature review and objectives; f) MATERIAL AND METHODS;  g) RESULTS It may include tables and figures; h) DISCUSSION;       i)CONCLUSION(S);  j) ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) (optional) with serious and clear written style, indicating the reason(s) for the recognition(s); k) REFERENCES (without citations of thesis, dissertation and/or abstracts).

Footnote: Complete information is only required for the corresponding author: title, affiliation institution with full address (street, number, zip code, P.O. Box, city, state, country) and email. For the other authors, only the title degree and affiliation institution is required.

Tables: The title must be placed above the table. No vertical lines must be used. The table must be made using Microsoft Word (TABLE/INSERT TABLE). Each content must be inserted in distinct cells, centered.

Figures: The title must be inserted below the figure. They can be colored or in black and white and must be sharp and with contrast in “JPG” format, with a resolution of 300 dpi.

 Symbols and formulas:  must be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI) including the rules and style conventions related to the printing of numbers.

 Scientific nomenclature: The scientific nomenclature must be in accordance with the criteria established in the International Codes of each area. Weight and measurement units must follow the International System of Units.

“The SI Brochure is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium. (”.

Bibliographic standards

Coffee Science follows the ABNT bibliographic standards.

References must be from current sources and preferably from impact factor journals. At least 40% of bibliographic references must be from the last 10 years.

Citations from proceedings of events, theses, dissertations and / or abstracts are not accepted. Eventually, when the citation of proceedings is strictly necessary, they should preferably be covered by Scopus or Web of Science and the authors must justify the need for such reference in the Cover Letter.

General information

Journal name must be completely written (no abbreviations) in bold. All the references must list the journal volume, issue (in parenthesis), initial and final pages and year of publication. References must be set in alphabetic order, aligned left and simple spaced in a reference and double spaced between references.

Citation in the text by the alphabetic system (author-date)

Two authors: Davis and Jones (2014).

Three authors: Silva, Pazeto and Vieira (2013).

More than three authors: Ribeiro et al. (2014).

  • Note: When two authors of the same work are cited in the sentence, they must be separated by "and". If the work citation is not included in the sentence, the author’s name must be separated by "; ". Other citations in the same text, must present the authors in an alphabetic order of their last names, followed by date and separated by “;”: Leroy et al (2006); Nunes Junior (2011); Pereira et al (2019); Souza (2013).

References: All references and their correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author(s).

Examples (most common types).

 Journal paper:

Up to three authors

PEÑUELA-MARTÍNEZ, A.E.; ZAPATA-ZAPATA, A.D.; DURANGO-RESTREPO, D.L. Performance of different fermentation methods and the effect on coffee quality (Coffea arabica L.). Coffee Science, 13(4):465–476, 2018.

More than three authors

DAMAT, D. et al. Dietary fiber and antioxidant activity of gluten-free cookies with coffee cherry flour addition. Coffee Science, 14(4):493–500, 2019.


Complete book

HII, C.L..; BORÉM, F.M. Drying and roasting of cocoa and coffee. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2020.  356p.

Book chapter with specific authors

BERGEN, W.G.; MERKEL, R.A. Protein accretion. In: PEARSON, A.M.; DUTSON, T.R. Growth regulation in farm animals: advances in meat research. London: Elsevier Science, 1991. v.7, p.169–202.

Book chapter without specific authors

GUIMARÃES, R. J. et al. Coffee growing and post-harvest processing. In: ________. Coffee production, quality and chemistry. 1.ed. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019. 836p.

Dissertation and thesis 

Must not be cited.

Abstracts published in congresses or other events

Must not be cited.

Electronic documents:

Studies only published online are referenced according to the specific rules for each type of document with the addition of the electronic address information presented in (<>) preceded by the expression “Available at” and the date the document was accessed, preceded by the expression: “Accessed on:”. Note: It is not recommended to reference electronic material of short duration on the web. According to international standards, the division of electronic address at the end of the line should be always after the slash (/).

Complete book

TAKAHASHI, T. (Coord.). Tecnologia em foco. Brasília, DF: Socinfo/MCT, 2000. Available at:<http//>. Accessed on: August, 22, 2000.

Part of a book

TAKAHASHI, T. Mercado, trabalho e oportunidades. In: _________. Sociedade da informação no Brasil: livro verde. Brasília, DF: Socinfo/MCT, 2000. cap.2. Available at: <http//>. Accessed on: August, 22, 2000.

Journal paper (online access):

AVELAR, A.E. de; REZENDE, Hábitos alimentares fora do lar: um estudo de caso em Lavras MG. Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais. 15(1):137 - 152, 2013.Available at: <> Accessed on: August, 18, 2014.

 Additional documents:

Two PDF files must be inserted in the following order:

When necessary, Proofreading/translation certificate by professional or company with experience in scientific texts.

Cover letter with co-authors’ agreements.

Note: send by email ( at the time of submission:

  • Figure files 
  • Title page file 
  • If, during the process, the evaluator suggests a change in the title of the manuscript or in any figure, it will be the author’s responsibility to email the new modified files.
  • Figure files: For each figure, a JPG file with a resolution of 300 Dpi must be generated. When generating the figure file, the height and width must be pixel proportional.
  • Files must be saved in the same order as the figures in the text. For example: figure 1, figure 2, figure 3, etc.

Preliminary notes:

Preliminary notes are brief communications, whose immediate publication is justified by the fact that it is an unprecedented fact, important information about the results achieved with the research and to guarantee intellectual authorship through the recording of information, but with insufficient volume to constitute a complete scientific manuscript.

The structure of the preliminary note follows the same guidelines used for scientific manuscripts, not exceeding eight pages, including tables, figures and references.

Review articles:

A review article in Coffee Science is an article that analyzes or discusses research previously published by others, rather than reporting new experimental results. It comes in the form of literature reviews and, more specifically, systematic reviews. Review articles carefully identify and synthesize relevant literature to assess a specific research question, substantive domain, theoretical approach or methodology, and thus provide readers with an advanced understanding of the research topic.

Types and structure of review articles:

Literature reviews provide a summary of what the authors believe to be the best and most relevant previous publications. It is a narrative in which selected studies are compared and summarized based on the author's experience, on existing theories and models. The results are based on a qualitative rather than a quantitative level.

The structure includes: a) TITLE in capital letters sufficiently clear. In this case, it does not indicate that it is a review article; b) FULL NAME OF THE AUTHOR(S) on the right side with one name beneath the former; c) ABSTRACT - includes a description of the subjects covered and must not exceed 300 words; d) INDEX TERMS are arranged alphabetically with 3 to 5 keywords that express the content of the paper and different from those used in the title and separated by commas; e) INTRODUCTION -  includes a description of the context, motivation for review and defines the focus; f) BODY - structured by titles and subtitles; g) CONCLUSION - declares the implications of the results and identifies possible new fields of research; h) ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) (optional) with serious and clear written style, indicating the reason(s) for the recognition(s); i) REFERENCES - follows the same guidelines used for scientific manuscripts.

Systematic reviews provide the latest findings from several individual studies and analyze their results statistically by rigorous procedures. Meta-analyzes are used to gather the results of individual studies. In a systematic review with a focused question, the research methods must be clearly described.

The structure includes: a) TITLE in capital letters sufficiently clear. In this case, indicate that it is a review; b) FULL NAME OF THE AUTHOR(S) on the right side with one name beneath the former; c) ABSTRACT - indicates that this is a meta-analysis (new analysis in a new context of previously published data); d) INDEX TERMS are arranged alphabetically with 3 to 5 keywords that express the content of the paper and different from those used in the title and separated by commas; e) INTRODUCTION - presents the problem and certain issues addressed in the review article;  f) MATERIAL AND METHODS - describes research and process; g) RESULTS - describes the quality, and outcomes of the selected studies including the use of tables and figures to display novel findings; h) DISCUSSION - summarizes results, limitations and outcomes of the procedure and research; i) CONCLUSION - a list of new findings from the meta-analysis; j) REFERENCES - follows the same guidelines used for scientific manuscripts.

Note: Literature reviews as an integral part of master's theses, doctoral theses or grant proposals will not be considered here. Eventually, when the citation of proceedings is strictly necessary, they should preferably be covered by Scopus or Web of Science.

 Copyright Notice

Copyrights for papers published in this journal belong to the authors, with first rights of publication belonging to the journal. Since the papers appear in this journal with open access, they can be freely used, with due attributions, in educational and non-commercial applications.


Editor in Chief

Prof. Flávio Meira Borém


Késia Portela de Assis


Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras - Centro Multiuso UFLA, Avenida Norte da UFLA, 37200-900 Lavras - Minas Gerais, Brazil.





Information about the common editorial policies of Coffee Science is available at

For general editorial enquiries, including manuscript submission queries, please contact

Short Communications

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.