Environment and variety influence on coffee quality of “Matas de Minas”
Coffea arabica, sensory analysis, beverage quality, terroir, environmental factorsAbstract
Coffee is an agricultural product that has its adjusted market value according to the final quality of the drink, which can be influenced by many factors, such as environmental factors and variety. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of the mountain side orientation and coffee variety on the potential quality of the coffee produced in the region of “Matas de Minas” (within altitudes ranging from 600 to 1200 m above the sea level). Coffee fruits of “Catuaí Vermelho” and “Catuaí Amarelo” (Coffea arabica) varieties from 14 municipalities in the region were hand harvested at physiological maturity phase, which were processed and then stored. Then qualitative descriptive analyzes were made by official graders by cup test according to the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association criteria. Through the sensorial analysis, the coffee drink quality attributes were graded according to the influence of environmental factors and the variety. The highest average score was obtained by a combination of factors, “Catuaí Amarelo” variety, altitude extract below 700 m and slope of the mountain Norway, showing great potential for expression of the sensory quality of the beverage.References
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