Leaf norms and nutrition diagnosis of coffee conilon in floweting and graining in espirito santo
Coffea canephora, mineral nutrition, phenology, leaf normsAbstract
The cultivation technology of Coffea canephora advanced significantly, as well as the nutritional requirements of the plants. The objective of this study was to establish the sufficiency range and Leaf Norms (DRIS) of Conilon coffee crops in floweting and grain graining in Espírito Santo, as well as nutritional diagnosis assessment in the region by different methods. The crops selected for the establishment of leaf patterns showed productivity greater than or equal to 6,000 kg ha-1. The samples were collected in 20 farms in two seasons, floweting (June and July 2012) and grain graining (October and November 2012). To check the differences between the standards (mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the nutrient and their respective relationships with other nutrients) the F test (ANOVA) was used. Nutritional diagnosis was performed using the sufficiency ranges and DRIS index. 245 fields sampled in the phase of grain filling and 313 in the pre-flowering phase. The standards set are appropriate for a representative nutritional diagnosis to the north of the Espírito Santo, since they are based on high-yield crops. The average concentrations of N, P, K, S, Cu and Zn were higher in the graining period of Conilon coffee, while the average concentrations of Ca, Mg, Mn and Fe were higher in floweting period. There were differences in 87 relations of nutrients among the 110, between two sampling periods. It is suggested that the sufficiency range approach and DRIS norms are specific to each sampling time, otherwise the diagnosis can be inconsistent.References
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