Use of sludge tannery substrate as alternative to prepare conilon coffee seedlings


  • Sávio Silva Berilli Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
  • Joao Paulo Chodacki Quiuqui Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
  • Jessica Rembinski Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
  • Paulo Henrique Honorato Salla Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
  • Ana Paula Candido Gabriel Berilli Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
  • João Marcos Louzada Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina



Sustainability, innovation, nutrition, chrome, fertilizer alternative


The Brazilian cattle is great source of income and investments from public and private sectors, and after slaughter, the destination of the leather to tannery causes the generation of a significant amount of waste in the form of sludge, thus becoming an environmental problem for tanneries in many Brazilian states that do not have laws for proper disposal of this waste. Thus, the use of sludge in agriculture tanneries presented as a solution technically feasible due to the high amounts of nutrients available in the sludge, such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, nitrogen and organic matter. This paper, therefore, aims to evaluate the influence of different concentrations of dehydrated tannery sludge to produce Conilon coffee seedlings compared to conventional fertilization. The experiment was arranged as a randomized block design consisting of five treatments, four ratios of dewatered sludge    (10, 20, 30 and 40% silt) and the other one with a substrate for the production of conventional Conilon coffee seedlings. For this experiment, we evaluated the biometric characteristics of the seedlings, we observed that the conventional fertilization showed better seedling development evaluated, however, we also observed that treatments with concentrations 20 and particularly 30 % of dehydrated tannery sludge in the substrate showed no significant differences for most characteristics evaluated in relation to treatment with conventional fertilization , thus demonstrating its potential use in substrate seedlings.

Author Biographies

Sávio Silva Berilli, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

DSc. in Vegetable Production
Prof. Federal Institute of Espirito Santo-campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200

Joao Paulo Chodacki Quiuqui, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

Farming Technician
Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200

Jessica Rembinski, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

Farming Technician
Studying Agronomy at
Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200

Paulo Henrique Honorato Salla, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

Farming Technician
Studying Agronomy at
Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200

Ana Paula Candido Gabriel Berilli, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

DSc. in Plant Breeding
Prof. Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200

João Marcos Louzada, Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina

Degree in Mathematics
DSc. in Statistics
Prof. Federal Institute of the Espírito Santo - campus Itapina
BR-259, km 70 - Rural Zone, PO Box 256 - CEP: 29709-910 - Colatina - ES
Phone: 27-3723-1200


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How to Cite

BERILLI, S. S.; QUIUQUI, J. P. C.; REMBINSKI, J.; SALLA, P. H. H.; BERILLI, A. P. C. G.; LOUZADA, J. M. Use of sludge tannery substrate as alternative to prepare conilon coffee seedlings. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, v. 9, n. 4, p. 472 - 479, 8 Oct. 2014.


