Description vegetative growth of coffee tree farming Rubi MG 1192 regression models
Height, planting density, irrigation, nonlinear model, plagiotropic brancheAbstract
Agricultural products constitute one of the bases of the Brazilian economy, and between them stands out the coffee. The objective of this study was to evaluate, over time, the vegetative growth of coffee plants, Rubi MG 1192 grown in densities 3333 and 10000 plants ha-1 and irrigation regimes control, 20 kPa and 60 kPa. The data are from an experiment carried out in Lavras, Brazil, using randomized blocks design with four replications, using an adaptation of the joint analysis of the experiments with split plots. The planting density were considered environments, systems of irrigation plots and the evaluation time constituted the subplots in time. According to the adjusted coefficient of determination and Akaike information criterion used, the Gompertz model is the one that best represents the growth in height of the coffee plants and the simple linear, which best describes the relationship between the number of plagiotropics branches and time. The higher plants and greater number of plagiotropics branches were observed in the irrigated schemes, indicating that irrigation contributes positively to the vegetative development of the coffee. Largest average height and number of plagiotropics branches were also observed in the higher planting densities.
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