Irrigation frequency and doses of polymer hydro retainer in seedlings of coffee formation


  • Franchement Franchement Mukeshambala UNIVERSITE LIBRE DES PAYS DES GRANDS LACS
  • Rubens José Guimrães Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
  • Gilmar Tavares Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA
  • Antonio Jackson Jesus Souza Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA



Hidrogel, irrigation ponds, water savings


Without enough water can not install a pond. There hydro retainers polymers capable of absorbing water and releasing it gradually. In order to evaluate the efficiency of using different doses of these polymers on substrates of coffee seedlings at different irrigation frequency, were two experiments, one in the bag and another seedling seedlings in tubes, in
Sector Cafeicultura, Departamento de Agricultura, da Universidade de Lavras, Minas Gerais, in a greenhouse covered with polyethylene film and shading 50%, from October 2011 to March 2012. In both experiments were the designs into blocks and split plot scheme for analysis of 6 doses of polymer (in the sub plots) X 5 water levels (in installments) in 4 replicates. The six doses tested were: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of the gel volume in the polymer substrate (1500g dry polymer 400 liters hydrated in water) both in the experiment as sachets in the tubes. The irrigation of the seedlings in tubes were: Level 1: Twice / day; Level 2: Once / day; Level 3, 4, 5: 1, 2, 3 days without water. In the experiment in bags, irrigation levels were: Level 1: all days (1 time / day), Level 2, 3, 4, 5: 1, 2, 3, 4 days without water. It is concluded, the application of the polymer gel in seedlings tubes and sachets has no effect on plant growth. The irrigation of seedlings in tubes should be made preferably twice a day. The daily irrigations in seedling bags can harm their development.

Author Biographies

Franchement Franchement Mukeshambala, UNIVERSITE LIBRE DES PAYS DES GRANDS LACS

Franchement Mukeshambala, filho de Kamate Siku Meilleur e Kavira Kavinywa Germanie, nasceu em Goma, Republica Democrática do Congo, no dia 15 do dezembro de 1979.

Concluiu o 2° Grau na academia do campus de Lubumbashi, Republica Democrática de Congo. Cursou Agronomia na Universidade de Lubumbashi (UNILU), de Outubro 2000 a Outubro 2005.

Trabalhou na Universidade de Goma (UNIGOM), na República Democrática do Congo, de 2006 a 2011, e na Universidade Livre dos Países dos Grandes Lagos (ULPGL) de 2010 a 2011, como assistente dos Professores e também, como pesquisador.

Ingressou no mestrado em Agronomia, área de Concentração: Fitotecnia, em setembro de 2011 na Universidade Federal de Lavras, no programa de intercâmbio (UFLA-ULPGL) sob a coordenação do Professor Gilmar Tavares, responsável pelo projeto “Vozes da África”.

Rubens José Guimrães, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

UFLA / DAG / Setor de Cafeicultura

Gilmar Tavares, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

UFLA / DEG / Engenharia Agrícola

Antonio Jackson Jesus Souza, Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA

UFLA / DAG / Setor de Cafeicultura, Fapemig


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How to Cite

MUKESHAMBALA, F. F.; GUIMRÃES, R. J.; TAVARES, G.; SOUZA, A. J. J. Irrigation frequency and doses of polymer hydro retainer in seedlings of coffee formation. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, v. 9, n. 1, p. 61 -67, 30 Mar. 2014.


