Coffea arabica L., weed, chemical management, phytotoxicity.Abstract
Weed management is one of the main and most problematic cultural practices used in coffee plantations. Slow growth, broad spacing associated with scarce registered products for weed control at an early crop stage, are the main problems faced by producers. Therefore, it is desirable for new herbicidal molecules to be registered for this crop, as is the recent case of indaziflam. This study aimed to know the influence of indaziflam on the morphological characteristics of coffee plants and to propose alternatives to reduce its effects on plants. Therefore, the effects of this herbicide on two arabica coffee cultivars were studied, as well as the association of this herbicide with protection of the seedling collar (PVC pipes and bovine manure). Controls on weeds, possible intoxications on seedlings and effects on the main morphological characteristics of coffee plants were evaluated. The morphological growth of cultivar 144 is naturally higher than that of cultivar IBC 12. Although treatments with the use of indaziflam cause intoxication in the seedlings, a reduction in plant damage was observed over time, and the damage was insignificant. In general, it was observed that cultivar IBC 12 suffered minor intoxications, but it is more sensitive to the presence of indaziflam, since it presented greater damage in the morphological variables. The use of manure with the PVC pipe can be an alternative to reduce the effects of this herbicide, as it reduced the effects of the product on the root system of this cultivar. It is concluded that the application of indaziflam causes mild symptoms in coffee plants independent of the planted cultivar. Indaziflam causes reduction in seedling morphology, and this effect is dependent on the cultivar used. The use of manure associated to the PVC pipe can be an alternative to reduce the effects of indaziflam, mainly in the root system of coffee plants.
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