
  • Paulo Vinicius Da Silva Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos/UNIFEOB
  • Gustavo César Barbosa Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos/UNIFEOB
  • Andréa Ferrari Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos/UNIFEOB
  • Sergio Mateus Tronquini Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos/UNIFEOB
  • Patrícia Andrea Monquero Universidade Federal de São Carlos/UFSCar – Centro de Ciências Agrárias/CCA



Weed, Herbicide, Indaziflam


 The present study aims to evaluate the control of C. benghalensis by herbicides applied in post-emergence and in pre-emergence sequentially in the infesting weed in the coffee crop. Two field experiments were carried out in a coffee crop, with natural infestation of C. benghalensis, the experimental design of both was completely randomized with 4 replicates. The first experiment, involving a single application of herbicides in post-emergence presented the following treatments: (1) saflufenacil (70 g i.a. ha-1); (2) glufosinate (400 g i.a. ha-1); (3) carfentrazone (20 g i.a. ha-1); (4) flumioxazin (120 g i.a. ha-1); (5) metsulfuron (6 g i.a.  ha-1), and (6) witness (without application of herbicide). In the second experiment, the treatments were: (1) saflufenacil (70 g i.a.  ha-1); (2) carfentrazone (20 g i.a. ha-1); (3) flumioxazin (120 g i.a.  ha-1); (4) metsulfuron (6 g i.a.  ha-1), all these treatments with a sequence of indaziflam (75 g i.a.  ha-1), at 21 days after the application of the treatments (DAT) of pos-emerging; (5) Witness (without application of herbicides). In the first experiment the herbicides safluenacil and flumioxazin presented the best percentages of control in post-emergence with 90 and 85.25% respectively, at 7 DAT, keeping the control superior to 80% at 21 DAT. In the second experiment, the treatments saflufenacil and flumioxazin with indaziflam sequential, presented control of 80% and 82.5% respectively at 28DAA (Days After Application). The herbicides saflufenacil and fluxioxazin represent an option for the control of C. benghalensis in post-emergence and favor the performance of the sequentially applied indaziflam herbicide. 

Author Biography

Patrícia Andrea Monquero, Universidade Federal de São Carlos/UFSCar – Centro de Ciências Agrárias/CCA

Departamento De Recursos Naturais e Proteção Ambiental /DRNPA -


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, P. V.; BARBOSA, G. C.; FERRARI, A.; TRONQUINI, S. M.; MONQUERO, P. A. CHEMICAL CONTROL STRATEGIES OF Commelina benghalensis IN COFFEE CROP. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, v. 14, n. 2, p. 231 - 239, 28 Jun. 2019.


