Sustainable management. Coffee cultivation. Penergetic®Abstract
One of the alternatives to increase productivity and without harming the environment is the use of green cover associated with soil bioactivators. However, there are still incipient studies reporting the association influence of these two techniques on soil quality. In this sense, the objective in this work was to evaluate the Penergetic® bioactivator effect associated to different cover plants on the physical and biological characteristics of the soil cultivated with coffee tree. The experiment was carried out in a coffee field with Catuaí Vermelho cultivar IAC 144, in a randomized block design in a factorial scheme 4 (soil cover) x 2 (use or not of the Penergetic® bioactivator), consisting of control (without plant cover); oats (Avena strigosa) + forage turnip (Raphanus sativus); oats (Avena strigosa) + forage turnip (Raphanus sativus) + lupine (Lupinus albus) + rye (Secale cereale) + vetch (Vicia sativa) (RLSV); Brachiaria brizantha (Urochloa brizantha), associated or not with the Penergetic® bioactivator use. The experiment was conducted for 6 months and after that period physical and biological soil characteristics were analyzed. Data were analyzed by the Scott Knott test at 5% probability. The treatments containing cover plants had lower temperature and greater water retention. The bioactivator use reduced the nematodes population from the Meloidogyne genus and when associated to the cover plants increased the density of diazotrophic bacteria and solubilizers of phosphorus and potassium.
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