Coffea arabica L., Climatic variations, Water use efficiency.Abstract
Water restriction significantly affects coffee (Coffea arabica L.) production. The study of a few agronomic techniques that optimizes water use can generate technologies for mitigating the effects of climatic variations on coffee crops. The aim of this study was to indicate agronomic techniques that mitigate the effects of water restriction on coffee crops. For this end, we analyzed the morphophysiological changes in coffee plants cultivated in a greenhouse with different types of fertilizers and soil conditioners and under two levels of irrigation. The evaluations were conducted 130 days after planting, assessing the morphological and physiological characteristics of the plants. We also quantified soil moisture in the different treatments. The water restriction expressively hindered plant growth. The use of controlled release fertilizers and soil conditioners, especially coffee husk, is indicated for mitigating water restriction in coffee crops.References
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