Types of planting and fertilizer organic coffee in function of the index thermal


  • Lucas Eduardo de Oliveira Aparecido IFSULDEMINAS - Campus Muzambinho
  • Ivan Tomé de Souza
  • Gustavo Rabelo Botrel Miranda
  • José Reinaldo da Silva Cabral de Moraes
  • Adriana Ferreira de Moraes-Oliveira
  • Francisco Vitor de Paula




Coffea arabica L., fertilizer, No-Tillage, degree days


The implantation phase of coffee is one of the most important stages of the crop. It is worth mentioning that the different implantation systems provide different conditions for the development of crops. In addition, in order to achieve a good initial development of the coffee, the producers have applied in newly transplanted crops organic fertilizers, which has the advantage of improving soil biota, as well as reducing costs with the acquisition of mineral fertilizers. Few researches have jointly tested the efficiency of the different systems of implantation and the biological fertilization in the coffee tree. The objective of this study was to test the efficacy of different types of planting and of the biological fertilizer on the initial growth of arabica coffee, as a function of the thermal index. The experiment was developed in southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme with 4 replicates, in a total of 6 treatments. The following were used: a) three systems of implantation (conventional planting, no-tillage in the pit and minimum cultivation); and b) two doses of the biological fertilizer (presence and absence). The growth parameters and the first coffee crop were evaluated. The evaluations were carried out according to the degree days counted from the date of planting. The results were submitted to analysis of variance. The means were grouped by the Scott-Knott method. The coffee plants implanted in the planting system “in pits” showed the best results, both in vegetative parameters and in productivity. The use of the biological fertilization in the newly transplanted arabica coffee tree did not promote improvements in the vegetative growth and first coffee production.

Author Biography

Lucas Eduardo de Oliveira Aparecido, IFSULDEMINAS - Campus Muzambinho

Departamento de Culturas Perenes


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How to Cite

APARECIDO, L. E. DE O.; SOUZA, I. T. DE; MIRANDA, G. R. B.; MORAES, J. R. DA S. C. DE; MORAES-OLIVEIRA, A. F. DE; PAULA, F. V. DE. Types of planting and fertilizer organic coffee in function of the index thermal. Coffee Science - ISSN 1984-3909, v. 12, n. 3, p. 307 - 315, 6 Sep. 2017.


