Transformation of lignocellulosic waste of coffee into pellets for thermal power generation
Solid biofuel, renewable energy, biomass, heatAbstract
Among the numerous biomass sources possible to be used for energy purposes, lignocellulosic residues of coffee plantations are highlighted. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of waste processing of coffee beans in pellet production for the generation of thermal energy, and classify them regarding marketability, using Standard DIN EN 14961-6. The pellets were produced considering the following composition (based on weight): 100% coffee hulls; 100% silver skin; 50% coffee hulls and 50% silver skin; 70% coffee hulls and 30% eucalyptus sawdust and 70% silver skin and 30% eucalyptus sawdust. Fresh biomass moisture was quantified, as well as bulk density and energy densities. For the pellets, physical and energetic properties (moisture, unit density, bulk density, heating values and energy densities) were evaluated, as well as chemical properties (volatile materials, ash and fixed carbon) and mechanical properties (resistance to diametral compression, fines content and durability). Waste processing of coffee beans can be transformed into granulated solid biofuels for the generation of heat energy. Coffee hull pellets, silver skin, coffee hulls with silver film and coffee hulls with wood can be marketed and exported to the European Union, following the requirements of Standard DIN EN 14961-6.References
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